Saturday, November 24, 2007


8pm Eastern: University of Missouri vs. University of Kansas at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. This is the biggest game in either school's football history. Victory will secure a position in the Big 12 Championship, and will put the winning team one step closer to a National Championship. Mizzou is going to rock it. Personally I will be chanting "Rock CHOKE Jayhawk" throughout the entirety of the game. What is a Jayhawk anyway? A fictitious red and blue bird. I predict we will handily de-feather the 'hawks. Victory will be sweet. Missouri_Tigers

3 Say It Loud & Proud:

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

looks like they are going to show Kansas for being the pretenders they are.

Sarah said...

My favorite shot of the night was at the end when Reesing had shit (or dirt, whatever...) on his helmet and had this pathetic look on his face. EAT IT, SUCKER!