I love IKEA's new slogan -- Be Bold, Not Beige. That sums up my decorating theory exactly. Though I love the community we've chosen here in the ATL, it is very very beige. Walls. Carpet. More walls & carpet. Tres monochromatic in that sterile kind of way. Kind of that "I need to wrap myself in a straitjacket" type of feeling. I actually considered padding a room. When that thought crossed my mind, I knew I needed an IV of paint, stat. To Lowe's we go. This weekend was spent completing various apartment improvement projects to make our place feel a bit more like home. Coming down off our house in KC which was saturated in color, I needed at least a little soemthing to make me feel as if I weren't living in an asylum. Here are the results: Front door, adorned with a cherry blossom wreath:
Entryway View #2:
Living room with "Tropical Nut" accent wall:
Living room view from loft:
Dining Room with hanging fabric panels:

Any and all comments welcome! :-)
6 Say It Loud & Proud:
Cute cute cute. I want to see more!
Holy Crow! That guest bedroom is absolutely gorgeous! I love all your large graphic prints. Beautiful.
I love the guest room. Very chic.
Les, I LOVE, Love , LOVE the apt! The windows in the living room rock! Thanks for sharing.
Oooh, you guys did an awesome job! Love the tropical nut wall. And the guest room. And the fabric panels. I bet your place feels so much homier now! Love it!
I love the *Blue and Green* guest room.
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